For over a decade Vaughn Woods and staff members have supported, mentored, and tutored immigrant children in San Diego and beyond. These great kids benefit from tutoring, mentoring and supportive adult friendships. The immediate family of every child benefits also. Specifically, VWFG has been in volved in supporting immigrant children from Ghana, Burundi, Tanzania, and Mexico through a wide variety of fund-raising events, classroom tutoring sessions, socials, educational trips, and one on one learning sessions.

“A car full of young men singing in Swahili is a kick.”, says Vaughn. Having come so far these students have a bigger world view than mine. Then again, my worldview is bigger from my experiences. We learn from each other and enjoy our cross-cultural exchange.
When you are a member of an immigrant family mom tends to work. Dads are scarce. Middle school and high school siblings have little freedom because they do the parenting until mom gets homes.
“After asking two sixth graders what they were doing after school when school let out for the summer I was told, nothing. With a bit more investigation I learned that nothing meant nothing. Young men and young women need to get out of these hot box condominiums during the summer months. They need scheduled activities. Summer activities turned into year-round activities. For years we met every Saturday morning at Denny’s before launching into the day.” VW
Many UPLIF volunteers have engaged in amazing acts of giving, driving students to swim lesson, basketball practice, to beach outings, snow days, college prep sessions, pizza nights, and soccer games. It is the love you give of yourself that comes back to you that makes UPLIFT the perfect volunteer program.
UPLIFT stands for Urban People Living in Faith and Trust. This organization supports many programs for low-income students and families. Vaughn Woods and Staff have been closely involved with the Kids-At-Heart program.
UPLIFT is an original “Missional Ministry” intended to lift up immediate neighbors through engagement creating a simple way for Suburban Churches to serve in San Diego’s urban core.
March Newsletter – Riding the Market Rollercoaster: A Time for Patience and Perspective
Riding the Market Rollercoaster: A Time for Patience and Perspective
February Newsletter – Navigating Policy Changes
Navigating Policy Changes By Vaughn Woods, CFP, MBA The stock